Deepen Your Teaching with Yin Yoga and Breathwork Foundation Teacher Training

In this holistic 30-hour teacher training course, you will be invited to learn the techniques of Yin Yoga and breathwork. The course will take you on a learning journey which will enable you to deepen your own practice and to share your learnings with other students, as an experienced and equipped Yin Yoga teacher.
About the Course
This course will help you discover the ins and outs of one of the most powerful yoga practices we know today, Yin Yoga.
Many of us are used to practising more dynamic, physically intense exercise that warms our bodies and creates a stress response inside. More than ever before, we are continually locked in this stress response, which builds toxins and tension in our bodies. Yin Yoga is one of the most efficient ways to release the stress and trauma that is built up in everyday life.
Jeff Lester will guide you through the theories and principles of Yin Yoga and breathwork and the benefits they offer at all levels of your being, physiological, energetic and psychological.
With this 30-hour Yin Yoga and breathwork teacher training course, you will gain a deeper awareness of the anatomical uniqueness of the human body. You will explore concepts of tension and compression and how these can impact you and your students' experience of practice.
Once you have an understanding of these principles, you will begin to tune into the subtle principles of Yin Yoga, which can lead to profound personal insight and healing. After the course, you will come away with a deep understanding of Yin Yoga as a practice and the practical experience you need to lead a class. Throughout the 30-hour teacher training course, you will also discover a range of pranayama and shamanic breathing techniques that will help deepen your practice.
Who’s This Course For?
This Yin Yoga teacher training course is designed for students who have a passion for yoga and a desire to delve deeper into their practice. Prior experience in yoga is not required.
You do not have to already be a yoga teacher to join this course, nor are you expected to become one after completing the course, you simply need to be open to exploring the practice of Yin Yoga and the transformative experience this course will offer you.
To Find Out More
If you would like to find out more about the course you can visit our course page here, or you can get in touch with our friendly team who will be happy to tell you more about what’s involved.